
  <platform 1>:
    build-on: [<arch 1>, <arch 2>]
    build-for: [<arch 1>]
  <platform 2>:
    build-on: [<arch 3>]
    build-for: [<arch 4>]


The platform name describes a build-on/build-for pairing. If the platform name is a valid debian architecture, then build-on and build-for can be omitted.

The recommended platform name is the build-for arch.


The build-on field is an optional list of architectures where the artefact can be built. It can contain multiple architectures.

If the platform name is a valid architecture and build-for is not defined, then build-on can be omitted. build-on will assume the platform name.


The build-for field is an optional single-element list containing the architecture where the artefact should run.

If the platform name is a valid architecture, then build-for will assume the platform name.

build-for: [all] is a special keyword to denote an architecture-independent artefact. If the all keyword is used, no other build-on/build-for pairs can be defined.