
4.10.0 (2025-Feb-27)


  • Add an API for additional snaps to be installed in the managed instance by the provider service.

  • Increase timeout in fetch-service queries.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.10.0 release on GitHub.

4.9.1 (2025-Feb-12)


  • Load python plugins after the emitter has been initialized so they can be logged.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.9.1 release on GitHub.

4.9.0 (2025-Feb-10)

All bug fixes from the 4.8 and 4.4 series are included in 4.9.0.


Remote build

  • Add hooks to further customize functionality

  • Add a --project parameter for user-defined Launchpad projects, including private projects.

  • Add “pending” as a displayed status for in-progress remote builds

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.9.0 release on GitHub.

4.4.1 (2025-Feb-05)


  • Fix an issue with processing fetch-service output.

  • The fetch-service integration now assumes that the fetch-service snap is tracking the latest/candidate channel.

Remote build

  • Fix a bug where repositories and recipes for private Launchpad projects would be public while the build was in progress.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.4.1 release on GitHub.

4.8.3 (2025-Jan-31)

Remote build

  • Fix a bug where repositories and recipes for private Launchpad projects would be public while the build was in progress.

  • Fix a bug where the remote-build command would suggest running an invalid command.

  • Fix a bug where a timeout would cause the remote builder to remove an ongoing build.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.8.3 release on GitHub.

4.8.2 (2025-Jan-16)


  • Fix an issue with processing fetch-service output.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.8.2 release on GitHub.

4.8.1 (2025-Jan-13)


  • Do not log encoded secrets in managed mode if build_secrets AppFeature is enabled.


  • Add missing links to the GitHub releases.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.8.1 release on GitHub.

4.8.0 (2025-Jan-13)


  • Fix a bug where the same build environment was reused for platforms with the same build-on and build-for architectures.


  • Add format_timestamp() helper that helps with formatting time in command responses.

  • Add is_managed_mode() helper to check if running in managed mode.

  • Add get_hostname() helper to get a name of current host.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.8.0 release on GitHub.

4.7.0 (2024-Dec-19)


  • Allow applications to implement multi-base build plans.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.7.0 release on GitHub.

4.6.0 (2024-Dec-13)


  • Add support for keeping order in help for commands provided to add_command_group().

  • Add support for rock launchpad recipes, allowing the remote build of rocks.


  • Add a remote-build command. This command is not registered by default, but is available for application use.


  • Extend the craft_application.git module with the following APIs:

    • Add is_commit(ref) and is_short_commit(ref) helpers for checking if a given ref is a valid commit hash.

    • Add a Commit model to represent the result of get_last_commit().

  • Extend the GitRepo class with additional methods:

    • Add set_remote_url() and set_remote_push_url() methods and their getter counterparts.

    • Add set_no_push() method, which explicitly disables push for specific remotes.

    • Add get_last_commit() method, which retrieves the last commit hash and message.

    • Add get_last_commit_on_branch_or_tag() method, which retrieves the last commit associated with a given ref.

    • Add fetch() method, which retrieves remote objects.

  • Use craft.git for Git-related operations run with subprocess in GitRepo.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.6.0 release on GitHub.

4.5.0 (2024-Nov-28)


  • The fetch-service integration now assumes that the fetch-service snap is tracking the latest/candidate.

  • Fix an issue where the fetch-service output was not correctly logged when running in a snapped craft tool.


  • Provide a documentation link in help messages.

  • Updates to the init command:

    • If the --name argument is provided, the command now checks if the value is a valid project name, and returns an error if it isn’t.

    • If the --name argument is not provided, the command now checks whether the project directory is a valid project name. If it isn’t, the command sets the project name to my-project.


  • Add version to the template generation context of InitService.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.5.0 release on GitHub.

4.4.0 (2024-Nov-08)


  • AppCommand subclasses now will always receive a valid app_config dict.

  • Fixes a bug where the fetch-service integration would try to spawn the fetch-service process when running in managed mode.

  • Cleans up the output from the fetch-service integration.


  • Adds an init command for initialising new projects.

  • Lifecycle commands are ordered in the sequence they run rather than alphabetically in help messages.

  • Preserves order of CommandGroups defined by the application.

  • Applications can override commands defined by Craft Application in the same CommandGroup.


  • Adds an InitService for initialising new projects.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.4.0 release on GitHub.

4.3.0 (2024-Oct-11)


  • Added compatibility methods for craft-platforms models.


  • The clean command now supports the --platform argument to filter which build environments to clean.


  • Added an experimental integration with the fetch-service, to generate manifests listing assets that were downloaded during the build.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.3.0 release on GitHub.

4.2.7 (2024-Oct-08)

  • Don’t depend on requests >= 2.32.0.

  • Fix: set CRAFT_PARALLEL_BUILD_COUNT correctly in override- scripts.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.7 release on GitHub.

4.2.6 (2024-Oct-04)

  • Remove the requests<2.32.0 constraint to resolve CVE-2024-35195.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.6 release on GitHub.

4.2.5 (2024-Oct-04)


  • The config service handles snap issues better.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.5 release on GitHub.

4.2.4 (2024-Sep-19)

Remote build

  • Remote build errors are now a subclass of CraftError.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.4 release on GitHub.

4.2.3 (2024-Sep-18)


  • get_arg_or_config now correctly checks the config service if the passed namespace has None as the value of the requested item.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.3 release on GitHub.

4.2.2 (2024-Sep-13)


  • Add a _run_inner method to override or wrap the core run logic.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.2 release on GitHub.

4.2.1 (2024-Sep-13)


  • Fix a regression where numeric part properties could not be parsed.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.1 release on GitHub.

4.1.3 (2024-Sep-12)


  • Fix a regression where numeric part properties could not be parsed.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.1.3 release on GitHub.

4.2.0 (2024-Sep-12)


  • Add a configuration service to unify handling of command line arguments, environment variables, snap configurations, and so on.

  • Use the standard library to retrieve the host’s proxies.


  • Properly support --shell, --shell-after and --debug on the pack command.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.2.0 release on GitHub.

4.1.2 (2024-Sep-05)


  • Managed runs now fail if the build plan is empty.

  • Error message tweaks for invalid YAML files.


  • Platform models now correctly accept non-vectorised architectures.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.1.2 release on GitHub.

4.1.1 (2024-Aug-27)


  • When a build fails due to matching multiple platforms, those matching platforms will be specified in the error message.

  • Show nicer error messages for invalid YAML files.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.1.1 release on GitHub.

4.1.0 (2024-Aug-14)


If an app isn’t running from snap, the installed app will install the snap in the provider using the channel in the CRAFT_SNAP_CHANNEL environment variable, defaulting to latest/stable if none is set.


The LifecycleService now breaks out a _get_build_for method for apps to override if necessary.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.1.0 release on GitHub.

4.0.0 (2024-Aug-09)

Breaking changes

This release migrates to pydantic 2. Most exit codes use constants from the os module. (This makes craft-application 4 only compatible with Windows when using Python 3.11+.)


Add constrained string fields that check for SPDX license strings or the license string “proprietary”.

CraftBaseModel now includes a to_yaml_string method.

Custom regex-based validators can be built with models.get_validator_by_regex. These can be used to make a better error message than the pydantic default.


The git submodule under launchpad is now its own module and can clone repositories and add remotes.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 4.0.0 release on GitHub.

3.2.0 (2024-Jul-07)


Add support for versioned documentation urls - that is, urls that point to the documentation for the specific version of the running application.


Add a how-to guide for using partitions.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 3.2.0 release on GitHub.

3.1.0 (2024-Jul-05)


3.1.0 includes changes from the 2.9.0 release.

Remote build

Add a credentials_filepath property to the RemoteBuildService so that applications can point to a different Launchpad credentials file.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 3.1.0 release on GitHub.

2.9.0 (2024-Jul-03)


  • Support doc slugs for craft-parts build errors, to point to the plugin docs.

  • Support setting the base docs url on the AppMetadata, used in conjunction with slugs to build full urls.

  • Add a method to enable craft-parts Features. This is called at a specific point so that things like command groups can rely on the features being set.

  • Ensure the craft-providers’ provider is available before launching.


  • Fix and normalize project validation errors. Never raise CraftValidationErrors directly in validators.

  • Add a way to provide doc slugs for models. These are shown when a project fails validation, provided the base docs url is set on the AppMetadata.

3.0.0 (2024-Jun-28)

Craft Application 3.0.0 implements the BuildPlanner class and can create a build plan. This is a breaking change because it requires more fields to be defined.


platforms is now a required field in the Project

platforms, base, and build-base are now required fields in the BuildPlanner model


  • Extends add_command_groups() to accept a sequence instead of a list.

  • Adds support for building architecture-independent artefacts by accepting all as the build-for target.


  • Adds a default Platform model. See platforms for a reference of the model.

  • Adds a default get_build_plan() function to the BuildPlanner class. See Build plans for an explanation of how the default get_build_plan() works.

  • Changes BuildPlanner from an abstract class to a fully implemented class. Applications can now use the BuildPlanner class directly.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 3.0.0 release on GitHub.

2.8.0 (2024-Jun-03)


  • Fixes a bug where the pack command could accept a list of parts as command line arguments.

  • Adds support for commands to accept multiple platform or build-for values from the command line as comma-separated values.

Remote build

  • Retries more API calls to Launchpad.

  • Adds an exponential backoff to API retries with a maximum total delay of 62 seconds.

  • Fixes a bug where the full project name was not used in the remote build log files.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 2.8.0 release on GitHub.

2.7.0 (2024-May-08)

Base naming convention

Applications that use a non-default base naming convention must implement Project._providers_base() to translate application-specific base names into a Craft Providers base.

The default base naming convention is <distribution>@<series>. For example, ubuntu@24.04, centos@7, and almalinux@9.


Adds a new LifecycleCommand class that can be inherited for creating application-specific lifecycle commands.


Adds a new command function _needs_project() that can be overridden by subclasses. It’s similar to the always_load_project class variable but takes parsed_args as a parameter. The default value is always_load_project.

For a complete list of commits, check out the 2.7.0 release on GitHub.